Using Business Integrated Governance to improve Strategy Delivery – Part 2 – a Governance Perspective
June 6, 2024This presentation:
- Introduces the concept of business integrated governance (BIG): BIG is a framework for aligning strategy, operations and governance in organisations. It consists of three fundamental concepts:
- a strategy information model,
- a strategy operating model and
- a governance operating model.
- Explains the components of the strategy information model: The strategy information model is a collection of complete and coherent information that describes the strategy of the organisation.
- It includes the purpose, vision, mission, strategic direction, strategic plan, operating plan, business planning and business cases of the organisation.
- A Document Library is needed to create, store an configuration manage the information held within documents
- A backbone for the objectives and key results is needed to help manage accountability
- A Data capability and a Management Information capability is needed to present key result information and other key performance indicators
- Highlights the importance of dynamic, responsive and adaptive strategy: The strategy information model should be kept live and current, and the organisation should be able to change direction according to the changing environment and opportunities – hence the need for agility in strategy delivery.
- Describes the elements of the governance operating model: The governance operating model is the means to deliver and align the strategy with the business.
- The presentation outlines the role and importance of each component:
- organisation
- accountability
- governance
- data
- information
- assurance
- business support and
- leadership
- Provides a link to a body of knowledge that contains more details about BIG: The BIG Body of Knowledge that has all the information about BIG written down. Please see the links below.