Business Integrated Governance is a body of knowledge to help organisation improve strategy delivery through systematic governance operations. It is developed by the BIG Community Interest Company (CIC).
- What is BIG?
- Body of Knowledge
- Beyond the BoK
- YouTube - Business Integrated Governance Overview
- LinkedIn - Business Integrated Governance CIC Group
If this topic is of interest, we strongly encourage you to become a BIG CIC member.
GO BIG is a website collaboration between partners who wish to generate services, product and training revenues out of BIG for our respective partner companies. We all support the BIG CIC, but realise to continue to develop and share BIG knowledge, supporters need to generate income.
BIG CIC develops knowledge - GO BIG develops application and implementation.
Furthermore, we realise that BIG for an organisation is not a small job. A spectrum of skills is required to define, develop, deliver and sustain the capabilities needed for BIG. Client organisations may require coalitions of partners to deliver all the support they need.
However, as individual associates, small consultancies or even larger consulting and service companies - we all want to keep our identity as freelance people and free standing organisations – but if we are to think BIG – then perhaps we should think differently about collaborating?
Our GO BIG Goal – for/with Partners and Associates is to generate a coalition for publicity, leads and revenue from BIG related activity. We want GO BIG to help Partners / Associates do this themselves.
What's in it for you?
GO BIG will:
- support the BIG CIC to
- maintain a common way to refer to BIG related Services (a Shared Services Taxonomy - SST)
- sustain BIG thinking – to enable you to refer customers to the central BIG messaging (a Core Presentation)
- Support you to develop BIG capability
- To understand the BIG Opportunity
- To support client engagement to explain BIG and connect BIG to client needs and expectations
- provide an environment within which to access / co-develop / share / supply
- branding / templates
- collateral, presentations, recordings
- shared methods
- First Steps, Workshops / Training, Exams, Readiness
- many more...
- case examples / white papers
- capability pool / Trusted partners
- BIG Elements, Enabling Processes,
- Enabling Tools and Technologies
- promote your BIG capability within the coalition in the GO BIG messaging
- carry your partner profile (e.g. Deepteam)
- share linkage to your website / LinkedIn profile in relation to the SST
- share a monthly newsletter with contribution from you to our networks
- share event attendee contact detail with event partners (permission based)
- manage an overall calendar of events which you may attend and / or participate in
- share leads and opportunities and support you to develop BIG related leads and opportunities
- support you to deliver BIG capabilities through yourself and with our Partners / Associates
In return:
- you scratch my back...
- share linkage to the GO BIG website
- refer to BIG and the GO BIG Network
- Use the GO BIG Branding (as appropriate)
- support events (preparation, publicity, delivery)
- Like / share blogs form the Network
- provide BIG capabilities to the Network
- help produce / share a monthly newsletter with other partners
Partner Types
How do you want to participate?
- Managing Partner - involved in the decision making and operation of the Network
- Participating Partner - involved in events, lead generation, delivery activity
Which is right for you?
How do you want to engage people?
- Mini events - blog on a theme, on line discussion, recording, promotion
- Major events - enabling mini events, webinar, follow up, promotion
Which is right for you?
Please review our current event portfolio - please let us know if there is another we can add, or if you would like to participate.
Want to hear this talked about?
One of the partner briefing sessions has been recorded (this includes discussion and is not polished - for "authenticity"):
Part 2 - What's in it for you?
Part 3 - Discussion about business model (airing of potential concerns)
Where to start:
If you like the idea of BIG as a means to generate training, consulting, services or technology revenue – then collaboration with GO BIG is a doable time commitment rather than an imposition.
There is a simple suck it and see on boarding approach too:
Attend one of our events - click here for more information on the schedule.
Or if you like the idea of leveraging BIG - we can explain the vision, the activity we are doing to publicise it – and chat over how you might help / benefit short / longer term - please contact us...