Strategy Delivery Challenge

Good strategy is not enough to succeed. Many organisations fail at delivery.

  • Companies on average deliver only 63% of the financial performance their strategies promise. Harvard Business Review
  • 50% of well-formulated strategies fail to deliver expected results because of poor execution. Harvard Business Review
  • Executional Excellence is the number one challenge facing global corporate leaders. Harvard Business Review
  • 82% of Fortune 500 CEO’s feel their organization is effective at strategic planning. Only 14% indicated they are effective at implementing the strategy. Forbes Magazine
  • Two-thirds to three-quarters of large organizations struggle to implement their strategies. Harvard Business review

Strategy delivery depends on “doing the right things” (decision making) and “doing them right” (delivery).

  • “doing the right things” is a balance across (as well as within) Business as Usual, Value Creation and Change.
  • “doing them right” is an enabler, but is not fully determinant of outcome.

The BIG proposition is that Strategy will be more successful if your Strategy Delivery Governance is fit-for-purpose and Integrated across the organisation.

The BIG offers a comprehensive framework to tackle strategy delivery pain points by orchestrating integrated governance operation and driving the constituent enablers.

Pain areas


The strategy inputs and outputs are not clear and poorly communicated to those concerned.


Accountability for the strategy is not established and accepted


We have not empowered accountable people with priority, resources or budget


The organisation cannot respond quickly to internal / external triggers


Progress on strategy objectives is not clear, nor is how we course-correct


BAU, change, and value generation domains are not coordinated or integrated 

BIG Elements

Most organisations have many of the factors for effective strategy delivery already in place - but few are truly integrated or completely fit for purpose.

The BIG challenge is to leverage the following Models, Components and Enablers - to bring your organisation up to match fitness for increased strategy outcomes, with greater agility, effectiveness and efficiency.

Improve your own Strategy Information Model and Operating Models to connect from business Purpose to strategy delivery. Initiate a Business Integrated Governance Operating Model to keep strategic intent aligned with performance, change and value creation.

Please Contact Us to start a conversation.